Pakohwuzhere Flux Capacitor
The Flux Capacitor. Designed and made by the super talented Pakohwuzhere. Double Reverse Kline Recycler with colored accents. Flawless function. One of his newest designs.
Vendor:Avant Garde
Avant Garde Elementum
High quality rig that feature the Avant-Tech Function within the walls.
Aquariust Solo Chappy
Legendary Artist Aquariust from Japan brings us a Solo Chappy rig 10 mm joint
Vendor:Steve Bates Glass
Steve Bates x Terroir Glass
The Shokunin. This Masterfully crafted gem was completely made by the maestro Steve Bates. With custom tubing formed for the perc as well as the uptake,...
Vendor:Jebb Glass
Jebb Glass Castle Recycler
Amazing function Recycler Rig by the castle man Jebb Glass.
Vendor:Walmot Glass
Walmot Glass x Swan Astro Rig
Walmot Glass x Swan Glass. Collaboration by two legendary artist brings us this beautiful Astro Rig. Laced all the way through for an absolute beautiful finish. The...
Vendor:Hoobs Glass
Hoobs Glass Meditating Mouse
Meditating Mouse by the legendary Hoobs Glass. CFL Purple to Grey. 14 mm 90 degree Female Joint Height: 8 inches Tall
Vendor:Saiyan Glass
Saiyan Glass Charzard Rig
Charzard Rig By Saiyan Glass Height: About 7 1/2 inches tall 14mm 45 degree female joint Comes with a Charzard Pokémon Card
Vendor:Blueberry Glass
Blueberry Glass Tube
Blueberry Glass Tube with removable Down stem. 10 male/ 45 degree fitting.
Pipemaker x Domer Glass
Double Dumper Collab by the recycler master Domer Glass and the legend Pipemaker. AKM Millie Chip Stacks. Flawless Function. 10 male / 90 degree joint
Vendor:Niko Cray
Niko Cray x Pakohwuzhere Snake Rig
Gucci Print Inspired Full Size Snake Collab Rig by the two legends Niko Cray and Pakohwuzhere. 10 mm 45 degree female joint. 7 inches tall